Tuesday, 11 October 2016

My Blog

What sort of learner am I?..

This quiz (which you can see in the above screenshot) asked me numerous questions about how I would act in certain situations and with these results, it generated my very own personal learning preference. According to the quiz, I have a multimodal learning preference and this means that for different activities, I possess the ability to switch modes.  I am keen to learn with several modes switched on to assist my learning, and I do require a long time to collect all of the information that I require to learn a new task or take on new skills. However, once I have got the gist, I am switched on and know what to do.
I personally think that I learn best through aural learning and by taking the quiz, I was able to confirm this as I managed to score the highest in that learning preference with a score of 6.
As an aural learner, the strategy that I use to learn to my potential is reciting aloud information which I wish to retain several time over until it has stuck in my head.


In today's lesson, I demonstrated numerous skills. The first skill being team-working. As soon as I came into class, all students were organised into groups of 3 and we had to complete a word-search together. I contributed as much as I could and by doing this, we were able to complete the word-search pronto.

The second skill which I used this lesson was being efficient. I demonstrated this skill by managing my time efficiently. Do you really know how much time you spend productively versus how much time you waste? Efficient people set a time for each of their tasks and work to keep the schedule. Try logging time spent on conversations and activities for a week.  Then spend the next week setting specific times for similar activities and work to reduce the times with similar output.  You'll be pleasantly surprised at the gains.

The third skill which I demonstrated well in today's lesson was my verbal communication. I know that this skill of mine is of a decent standard and I showed this by communicating with my peers loud and clearly. By making sure that my verbal communication skills are of a good standard, I can be rest assured that the person I am communicating to/with understands exactly what I am talking about.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for creating your blog and writing this first post, Sarwar. Can you give examples of the strategies you can use as an aural learner?

    Your second preference was read/write and writing blog posts and reading others will give you the opportunity to improve your learning.

    You have mentioned two skills you used: team-working and efficiency. I would agree you demonstrated team-working, and you were efficient in that you almost completed two tasks. It would have been better to read about this in your own words though!

    For the homework - describing 3 skills you used in the session, I asked you to find images which demonstrated these skills. Could you find some and insert them into your post, and let readers know what was the 3rd skill you used?
